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Blogs and Such

Unsung Heroes

Brandon Joyner

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Do you find that most people who have served in the military during war time are reluctant to speak about it?

My father-in-law, who was rejected the first time he tried to enlist because of his eyesight and hearing, later served in the Navy. My father served twice in France and Germany under General Patton. Both of these men, heroes in our eyes, came home.

Many were not so lucky.

Later, my father-in-law raised five remarkable young men, 3 went on to enlist in the Navy with one of them ranking into the Construction Battalion Force (C-B) of the Navy, the Seabees!

So as we commemorate those on this Memorial Day, we are thankful for ALL the brave men and women who sacrificed ALL for our freedom.

~ Jeannie Joyner

Let Gogh and Let God

Brandon Joyner


I've always loved the arts... All of them!

Singing, sewing, painting, cooking, designing, you name it, I wanted to try it.

I made outfits for all my dolls, by hand, cooked cakes in my “Easy-Bake” oven at night, in the dark, while my parents slept. I would sing at the top of my lungs for my mama and she would always say that I was gonna grow up to be an opera singer. I didn't achieve that but I am a first soprano. Second grade – finger painting-- my teacher was so impressed with my painting that she asked my mother if she could keep it and display it on the bulletin board. I was so proud. That was the start of it all.

Little did I know that my tiny stick figures, trees, houses, flowers would evolve into something quite different, and something that I am happy to be able to share with all of you today.

So, enjoy all the festive, eye-catching colors of our Lowcountry and hopefully they will give you as much joy as they have given me.

~ Jeannie Joyner

Forever In Blue Jeans

Brandon Joyner

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It's no secret that I love clothes. Just ask my friends and family. I can blame that on my mom cause she made sure I was perfectly “put together” before I left the house in the mornings.

When I was in elementary school most little girls wore dresses… with crinolines. So when my mom dressed me in a pair of blue jeans with a plaid flannel lining that turned up into a cuff, I thought my world had come to an end. How could she have done this to me? She knew that I wanted to look nice for school. I wanted to wear my dress, my hair bow that matched my dress, my lace-trimmed socks and my crinolines... Two to three of them. Starched stiff!

If she thought I was going to school dressed like a farmer she was wrong! So I plopped myself down outside the front door and boohooed! I cried and cried! By that time my mother was feeling defeated. I was not budging and I certainly was not going to school to have the kids laugh at me. From the kitchen, I could hear my mom say, “It's alright I'll never try to make you wear blue jeans again.” And she didn't.

I think she gave my jeans away.

~ Jeannie Joyner