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Unsung Heroes

Blogs and Such

Unsung Heroes

Brandon Joyner

Frankie Padgett 2.jpg

Do you find that most people who have served in the military during war time are reluctant to speak about it?

My father-in-law, who was rejected the first time he tried to enlist because of his eyesight and hearing, later served in the Navy. My father served twice in France and Germany under General Patton. Both of these men, heroes in our eyes, came home.

Many were not so lucky.

Later, my father-in-law raised five remarkable young men, 3 went on to enlist in the Navy with one of them ranking into the Construction Battalion Force (C-B) of the Navy, the Seabees!

So as we commemorate those on this Memorial Day, we are thankful for ALL the brave men and women who sacrificed ALL for our freedom.

~ Jeannie Joyner