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Forever In Blue Jeans

Blogs and Such

Forever In Blue Jeans

Brandon Joyner

Young Jeannie.jpg

It's no secret that I love clothes. Just ask my friends and family. I can blame that on my mom cause she made sure I was perfectly “put together” before I left the house in the mornings.

When I was in elementary school most little girls wore dresses… with crinolines. So when my mom dressed me in a pair of blue jeans with a plaid flannel lining that turned up into a cuff, I thought my world had come to an end. How could she have done this to me? She knew that I wanted to look nice for school. I wanted to wear my dress, my hair bow that matched my dress, my lace-trimmed socks and my crinolines... Two to three of them. Starched stiff!

If she thought I was going to school dressed like a farmer she was wrong! So I plopped myself down outside the front door and boohooed! I cried and cried! By that time my mother was feeling defeated. I was not budging and I certainly was not going to school to have the kids laugh at me. From the kitchen, I could hear my mom say, “It's alright I'll never try to make you wear blue jeans again.” And she didn't.

I think she gave my jeans away.

~ Jeannie Joyner