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The Final Destination

Blogs and Such

The Final Destination

Brandon Joyner


I am a white-knuckle flier, as all my friends can tell you. I could be B.A. Baracus from the original A-Team. Hate it! Put me in a car for a trip any day. If I am flying somewhere, I start worrying the minute the ticket’s bought. My bad flights have always seemed to have been in March. 

Colorado Sky Trip 

The Colorado ski trip was with 2 of my cousins and some of their friends. A very happy-go-lucky group. The flight was pretty unremarkable with some minor turbulence as we headed to land at the Denver airport. We were headed to the landing strip when all of a sudden, a tailwind caught the plane and slammed us down on the tarmac. 

Did someone say whiplash? I wasn't expecting all that at all even though the pilot had warned us of the possibility of high winds. 

We spent over a week in Aspen, Vail, Winter Park (Mary Jane), Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, etc. to ski. And it was pure heaven! 

We would take 3 chair lifts to the top of some of the mountains and be the only ones at the top. It would take all day to ski down to the lodge. The snow was beautiful and thick and it was delightful—till we were ready to head to the airport to leave. 

Packed and in the cars, we had only an hour or so before our flight home. We noticed a hold-up in the traffic ahead of us. A blizzard the night before was making travel a little more difficult and with the buildup of all the new snow on the mountain, they were getting ready to close the roads!!! 

Great. We’re gonna miss our flight!

I observed some peculiar sites on the side of the road. Being from Charleston where it almost never snows, I was told what was going on. These were the cannons that they would use to shoot up to the top of the mountains to cause an avalanche in order to prevent one from happening on its own. This allowed people to travel safely through the pass through the mountains and not to have to worry about an unexpected avalanche. 

Our group must have done a lot of praying because we were the last car to get through the pass before they closed the roads. 

Can you believe it? The very last car. 

We made our flight but I am not sure how the other passengers in the plane felt about us ‘cause we sang songs, including Beach Boy’s “Good Vibrations,” etc. all the way home. 

New Jersey Trip 

The whole trip to New Jersey was very bumpy. We’d hit those “air pockets” and drop, and my stomach would be in my throat. I thought it was going to get better but actually, it only got worse. We were advised to go back to our seats (not that I ever left mine) and buckle our seat belts. 

That didn't sound good! 

The captain advised of turbulent weather. The stewardesses were trying to make everyone feel comfortable and less scared. We could get juice or drinks served to us if we wanted. So, apple juice was my choice of drink. 

I was holding my drink in my right hand when the plane started shaking so badly that David went to grab my drink so I wouldn't spill it on me. I told him that he was not to touch my drink and I would handle it! But I think I said it in a voice that sounded like Linda Blair in The Exorcist.  

David just sat there looking at me like “who is this person?” 

In reality, the only thing that was helping me through this turbulent flight was concentrating on not spilling my drink. And, if it wasn't bad enough, people started screaming in the plane. (And I can't say that they were all ladies!) Yikes! 

Yes, we landed safely. But David did have to help me walk off the plane. 

My knees were knocking! 

My heart was pounding! 

My head was aching! 

If this was supposed to be a fun trip, then leave me out next time. I could do without the fun. 

Do I fly? I figure I can do without that kind of excitement but if anyone suggests a road trip, just count me in. 

And it's not those “roads in the sky” like in Back to the Future when Doc said to Marty: “Roads? Where we’re going, we don't need roads!” Just give me the asphalt kind! 

~ Jeannie Joyner