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Continuing Education

Blogs and Such

Continuing Education

Brandon Joyner


Are you too cool for school? I guess so... 

I used to like school but I’m not a fan of it. When I was two years old, I started going to Charles Webb.  

And, after that, I went to some other school that I tried. Then we moved to Savannah, I went to one there [Jacob G. Smith] ... And, when we moved back, I went to a school in Goose Creek. Then one in North Charleston [Morningside Middle] when we lived on James Island, then in ‘86 I went to North Charleston High School; but I didn’t go to college after [graduating] high school [in 1993]. 

Most things about school have been serious, but when I left Morningside I met my favorite teacher, Mrs. Mary Francis Lundi; she was from Tennessee and we both loved old country music. We had a great time talking about the old country and western music like Hank Williams and all that other stuff. And that’s when we hit it off! I had some really great teachers, but some weren’t so good. She was the best! 

School is like education, it helps you learn things like math, music, social studies, reading, writing, and that sort of thing. Oh, and exercising as well. It's fun... well, sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s hard. 

Regarding school and education, I learned different things. I learned some things that I wouldn’t have without it [school]. I did some work... artwork, music, PE class, some recess. I did some mobility training help as well.  

Computer-wise, I learned to type; Music, I learned different songs from the music notes; Reading, I was able to put the words under a magnifier glass to project on a TV; Writing, for example... if they asked you to write something on Social Studies... that’s hard and not even fun to do. Oh, I enjoyed it, but it’s just hard. It was kinda social for me, but also educational. I really enjoy Math... numbers, that’s what I like! 

I had more female friends than male friends. At Charles Webb, I had a friend, Michael, who didn’t know how to talk, and I helped him a little bit. No one would talk to Michael, so I was his friend, and he would always listen to me. We got close and we’ve always been friends. He was able to understand the words but couldn’t or wouldn’t really talk. We had a connection and he liked to talk to me but no one else. With girls, I had several friends... Tasha was my friend. I didn’t have many actual girlfriends. I had other in and out relationships with females, but... I had one particular girl that I liked, Tammy. 

I want to get back into the action of things. I enjoy learning things and doing new things. We hope to start with the Sunrise Program soon so I can learn much more. 

My brother Brandon and I have been cooking recently. The first thing we did together was learning how to cook an egg. First, I had to crack them. One fell in the sink and then one went in the dish. I’m trying to learn, but it’s ok. We prepared it by poaching it. We stirred it around in the bowl to scramble it. Then it went in a hot pan and we cooked it. Preparing to cook and shopping for food at the grocery store is next on the list. 

I learn best by asking questions and then having those questions answered by someone telling me how to do it. If I could teach any one thing to the world, I would help them to do what they feel like doing. I would be a life skills coach... teach them how to do different things about jobs, how to do other things, like how to cook better, I could teach people how to art better... be artists or do art paintings and ceramics, like pots. So, that’s what I would do if I could help people find their passion. It’s not what I want them to do but it’s what THEY want to do. That’s very important to be able to do what you want to do and not necessarily have to do what other people tell you that you have to do. 

If I could improve and work on something and learn something new it would be to work on being a better person. Have more charisma. Learn how to make friends and influence people. And finding better relationships to have a connection with somebody.