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Baby, You're a Firework

Blogs and Such

Baby, You're a Firework

Brandon Joyner


What's your favorite memory of the 4th of July?

A cookout in your backyard?

A picnic at the beach?

An evening sitting under the stars watching a fabulous fireworks display?

We've done them all... Even driven to Altamonte Springs near Orlando, Florida to see one of the most outstanding fireworks displays in the Southeast... And it was!

We've driven to Helen to celebrate the 4th in this little Bavarian Alpine village nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia.

How about driving into a parking garage in downtown Charleston to watch fireworks from the top level? Guilty!!! (Please don't share this secret with anyone. This is just between us!)

So, however you choose to celebrate this holiday, I think we would all agree that spending it with your favorite “peeps” is the best way to go.

Come on over to Charleston and grab a tall glass of sweet tea with a slice of lemon and take in the sights, sounds and smells of our beautiful city by the sea.

It’s heaven on earth!

~ Jeannie Joyner